20 January 2025

New layout for our website and application

A complete revised layout will be introduced on 25th of september.

We have released a new version of the website of Easy to Inspect. The change is important, because all essential parts of our platform are renewed and upgraded. Our users will face an entire new website lay out, once they logged on to the system. All existing features will still be available, but got new positions in our website.

Major changes concern:

  • Improved dashboards Improved dashboards, aiming at more efficiency in working with Easy to Inspect
  • Dynamic charts Integration of the analyses in the Results and the Action-module with dynamic charts.
  • Subscription Improved subscription module with automatic renewal, simplified activation of additional users and optional features.
  • Navigation, side bar Navigation moved to a (blue) sidebar at the left hand side of the screen.
  • Layout Entire new lay out and colour settings
  • Security Improved security.

The new features in our website are available immediately. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@easytoinspect.com.

10 June 2024

Multi-factor authentication

MFA now possible with Easy to Inspect

As from June 10, you can secure access to Easy to Inspect with 2 factor authentication (2FA). Protect your data with an additional security measure. Use our Multi Factor Authentication. The system administrator can require 2FA for all Easy to Inspect users within the company or specify per user whether 2 factor authentication is required. The individual user can also choose to secure the account with 2 factor authentication. Working method

  • All users Set 2FA requirement for all users: Settings/my company
  • A user Set 2FA requirement for a user: Settings/my users select ‘action’ button
  • Set 2FA Set 2FA by individual users: user menu, choice 2FA under username

25 November 2023

Online inspections, roles & groups and action module

On Saturday, November 25, we will install an update to Easy to Inspect with interesting new features.

The following new features are installed automatically and are immediately available to all users:

  • Incomplete and final Introduction of the concept status for incomplete and complete inspections.
  • Draft and final What is new is that the inspection can be saved as a draft or as a final result.
  • Action management The action module is completely new and has its own dashboard (Action Tracker) and new features.

We introduced the concept status for incomplete and complete inspections in the mobile App for phone/tablet and online. When using the mobile App, it is possible to upload an inspection as a ‘draft version’ to our online platform and continue working on this draft version later on. Once the inspection is completed, the user can mark it as final. Once the inspection-result is marked as ‘final’, it cannot be modified anymore.

If an inspection is marked as final, the nonconformities are automatically created in the new action module. The action module is completely new and has its own dashboard (Action Tracker), multiple action statuses, better search options, an advanced workflow and action history. From now on, the actions can only be assigned to other Easy to Inspect users, who can follow their actions in their own Action Tracker. Another new feature is that a verification step can be assigned to each action.

The new features in our website and App are available immediately.In addition, the new rights module is now available. The existing user-rights are converted into a new classification of roles assigned to users and groups. We will make the transition automatically, with all users retaining their existing rights. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@easytoinspect.com.